NOVA GROUP's Mission

Making delivery easy for life and business

    NOVA GLOBAL Culture


    Our slogan reflects the idea that we create together every day.

    The concept behind the phrase “Think globally, win locally” is that to achieve success on a global scale, it is necessary to think and plan actions with consideration for global trends and tendencies. At the same time, to implement this global strategy, it is important to take into account local peculiarities and adapt to local conditions, culture, and traditions.

    So, “Think globally” means directing our efforts towards creating strategies and action plans that take into account global trends and perspectives. And “Win locally” means implementing these strategies and plans at the local level, considering the specific characteristics of each market and region.

    Companies that follow this concept strive for synergy between global and local strategies, allowing them to increase efficiency and achieve success in different parts of the world while preserving their uniqueness and respecting local traditions and culture.

    We are changing the world of online shopping!

    Our Goal for 2026:
    Easy delivery to any point in the world within 5 days.


    Our culture is based on values that guide our actions and approaches.

    We adhere to these values to create innovative solutions that can make the world a better place. We care about each member of our team and provide opportunities for growth.

    This document describes the new and unique culture of our team. Like all great and young companies, we strive to attract the best professionals, highly value curiosity, responsibility, perseverance, sincerity, and teamwork.

    But what sets us apart at Nova Global is:

    • Curiosity

    • Perseverance and goal orientation

    • Genuine care for each other

    • Retention of only the most effective people

    • Abandonment of complex rules

    • Encouragement of independent decision-making

    True Values

    Many companies declare values in their corporate culture, but often these statements are very vague and remain unnoticed. The true values of a company are demonstrated when employees are encouraged or dismissed. Below, we will talk about how we see our values, specific actions, and abilities that we value the most. The more these values resonate with you and describe the people you would like to work with, the more chances we have to succeed and progress in the Global team.


    You make logical decisions regardless of the ambiguity of situations. You identify root causes and don't settle for treating symptoms. You use the call to action "Take it and do it."


    You express your thoughts concisely and clearly both orally and in writing. You listen and strive to understand before reacting. You maintain composure in stressful situations to think clearly.


    You learn quickly and willingly. You find joy in what you do, and it makes you better. You gladly share your expertise with the team.


    You speak your mind when it's in the interest of Global, even if it's uncomfortable. You take calculated risks and don't rule out possible failures. You question actions that don't align with our values.


    You inspire others with your desire for excellence. Our clients and the success of the Global team are very important to you. You are persistent, optimistic, and confident in yourself.


    You have no biases and are ready to change. You make time to support colleagues. You openly share information. You are ready for change and have no biases. You make time to support your colleagues, share information, and promote openness. Your dedication supports change and allows you to be an example for others.


    You generate new ideas that are beneficial. You rethink problems to find solutions to complex issues and support the company's dynamics by reducing complexities. Your innovations drive the company's development and prosperity.

    Inclusion (Society)

    You support and embrace different perspectives to make the best decisions. You recognize that we are all different and work to overcome differences when interacting with colleagues. Your inclusiveness promotes the development of the company and its culture.


    You speak about your colleagues only what you can say to their face. You consciously acknowledge your mistakes and avoid discussing colleagues in their absence. You treat people with respect, regardless of their status or differences with you. Your integrity reflects your willingness to collaborate and achieve goals.


    You focus on results, not just the process. You consistently deliver planned outcomes, and your colleagues can rely on you. You have a positive impact on your colleagues.

    It is easy to write about great values, but much more challenging to live by them. When describing determination, we say, "You question actions that don't align with our values." We want everyone to help each other live according to these values and support each other as an example.

    Dream Team


    The Dream Team is a team where all colleagues perform their work incredibly well and collaborate very effectively. The value and satisfaction of working in a dream team are unparalleled. Our version of the ideal working atmosphere is a dream team that works towards ambitious shared goals, and we put in a lot of effort for this purpose.

    Turning the entire company into a dream team (not just a few small teams) is challenging. Undoubtedly, we must hire the right people. We must also foster collaboration, embrace different perspectives, encourage information sharing, and avoid intrigue. If you imagine a professional sports team, it is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that each player delivers exceptional results in their position on the field and collaborates successfully with others.

    We aspire to be a team, not a family

    Family is unconditional love, despite the misbehavior of your child, for example. A team means striving to be a better partner in the team, caring for your colleagues, and knowing that your efforts, along with everyone else’s, contribute to the overall result. We like to draw examples from Formula 1 teams and their interactions during pit stops, where the failure of one team member immediately leads to the failure of the entire team. It’s unfortunate to be excluded from our team, but there is nothing shameful about it. Being part of our Dream Team can be the best moment in your professional life.

    In the dream team, collaboration and trust work wonders because your colleagues not only excel in their work but also collaborate seamlessly with others. When describing dedication, we say, “You find time to help colleagues. You openly and proactively share information.” We want our new colleagues to feel welcome and receive the necessary support for effective work.

    Ultimately, your financial security depends on your skills and reputation, not just the length of your tenure in the company. At Global, you gain extensive experience working on challenging global tasks with outstanding colleagues, and the new knowledge enhances your value in the future.

    Freedom and Responsibility

    There are companies where people walk past trash in the office, expecting someone else to pick it up, and there are companies where employees lean down to pick up the trash, just as they would at home. We strive to be those who don’t pass by, a company where everyone feels responsible for helping the team at every stage. Picking up trash is a metaphor for solving problems, both small and large, never thinking, “It’s not my job.” We have no rules for cleaning up real or metaphorical trash. We aim to create a sense of ownership, making such behavior natural.

    We believe that people show their best results when they are trusted and given the freedom to make changes for the better. Therefore, we encourage independence and empower our employees whenever possible. You might think that such freedom provokes chaos. But we also don’t enforce a dress code, and so far, no one has come to work naked. The morale is that not everything requires rules. Most people understand why it’s better to dress appropriately in the office.

    Open Dissent

    If you disagree with someone on a significant matter, you should explain your reasons, preferably in a private discussion. During the discussion, different viewpoints can be highlighted, and a concise written formulation of key questions can help people consider the most rational courses of action and facilitate the exchange of ideas. The decision-making leader should consider, understand, and review your thoughts but may not agree with you. Once the leader makes a decision, we expect everyone to work towards its successful outcome. In the future, if new and important information arises, you can ask the leader to reconsider the issue. Silent dissent is unacceptable and unproductive.

    Context over Control

    Our goal is for experts to make the right decisions independently and consult with the manager only when uncertain about the correctness of their choices. The task of a leader at any stage is to create a clear context in which everyone is adequately informed to make successful decisions as a whole.

    In the “context over control” philosophy, there are few exceptions, such as in emergency situations when there is no time to think about the right context and principles, or when a team newcomer is not sufficiently familiar with the context to act with full confidence, or when it becomes evident that decision-making authority temporarily resides elsewhere.

    We tell people that they don’t have to try to please the manager. It’s better to strive to work for the benefit of the business. Not receiving approval from the manager is not a problem. The real problem lies in temporarily attempting to conceal something. It’s perfectly fine to say to the manager, “I know you disagree with me, but I will proceed with X because I believe it is the best course of action. Let me know if you want to override my decision.” We absolutely don’t want employees to merely assume what we are going to do or what the manager desires and act based on those assumptions.

    Well-Coordinated, Loosely Coupled

    As a company grows, it often encounters the situation of rigid centralization, which reduces its flexibility and increases immobility. The reasons for this may include:

    • Top management’s interference in numerous trivial decisions
    • Numerous interdepartmental meetings to coordinate tactics
    • Prioritizing the satisfaction of other teams over satisfying customer needs

    However, we have managed to avoid such unpleasant situations through excellent coordination and loose coupling. We spend a lot of time discussing strategy together but then trust each other to execute tactics without prior confirmation. Often, two groups working towards common goals are unaware of each other’s actions and do not seek confirmation. If certain actions seem erroneous in subsequent stages, we openly discuss it. Perhaps we will realize that the strategy was too unclear or that the tactics do not align with the approved strategy. Then we will explore opportunities to avoid such issues in the future.

    The success of the “Well-Coordinated, Loosely Coupled” working principle depends on the collaborative efforts of productive employees and an effective context. Ultimately, the ultimate goal is business growth and returns, as well as greater flexibility and maneuverability. We strive to be big, fast, and agile.

    Pursuit of Excellence

    Newly onboarded specialists in their first months of work are invariably amazed at how well our culture description aligns with the reality they experience. We are constantly working on improving our culture – every day, we strive to make it better. Each employee who joins us contributes to the development and evolution of Nova Global’s DNA. Together, we find new ways to achieve more. In a few years, we will feel noticeable positive changes in work efficiency compared to the past. We learn faster thanks to the increased number of dedicated people with diverse perspectives, all seeking the best paths towards more coordinated, flexible, and effective collaboration.


    Vitaliy Yanytskyy

    VP of Growth

    Yurii Benevytskyi

    CEO and President

    Success is temporary, failure is not fatal, but determination is your unbreakable will to move forward.